Traduction Audiovisuelle

Après plus de vingt ans dans le cinéma et la télévision, je comprends les besoins des clients de ce secteur. J’apprécie la traduction de scripts de doublage, le sous-titrage et la traduction de pitch decks. De plus, grâce à ma vaste expérience dans la présentation de projets aux chaînes et plateformes anglophones, je peux vous conseiller dans l’élaboration de votre pitch et vous aider à trouver le bon acquéreur pour votre projet aux États-Unis, au Canada, au Royaume-Uni et en Australie.


Abramovich : An Oligarch in the Shadow of Putin
This documentary is a gripping investigative piece produced by Magneto for France TV.  For the English version I translated the script from French to English . I added timecode, marked up for voiceover to create an English script ready for dubbing.

Poland - A Divided Country

This documentary was produced by factual specialists Ligne de Front for M6's Enquête Exclusive strand, where it broadcast under the title "Face à Poutine, la Pologne en première ligne." I translated the script from French to English , added timecode, and marked up for voiceover to create an English script ready for dubbing.

Kaliningrad - A Russian Fortress in the Heart of Europe

This film was also produced by Ligne de Front, and is a fascinating insight into the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. I translated the script from French to English, added timecode, marked up for voiceover to create an English script ready for dubbing.

Forbidden Moscow: Secret Life of a Capital at War

Produced by Tony Comiti for M6's Enquête Exclusive strand, where it broadcast under the title "Moscou Interdite: La vie secrète d’une capitale en guerre." This documentary allows a rare glimpse into the lives of ordinary people in Moscow in 2024 while the war in Ukraine rages. I enjoyed this translation very much, especially the challenge of incorporating the tone of voice of the different contributors.  I created a full English script with timecode, marked up for voiceover, and translated the credits into English.